Purifying the Prophetic Voice

Mission Statement: To teach and train prophets, prophetic voices, and churches how to keep the prophetic Word pure and authentic for the purposes of glorifying God and to aid in bringing the body of Christ to perfection.

Goal: Our goal is to provide clear and concise teachings that will help those with a prophetic voice know who they are, how to keep balance, know what they are to do, how they are to do it, and why they are to do it God’s way.

Program: Teachings are done in group sessions and contain 10 prophetic courses that are 6 hours of teaching per course. When Dr. Nina teaches in group sessions, and course fees are charged, a certificate worth 3 credit hours is awarded for each course. If a student desires to enroll at the International College of Ministry with Dr. Ray L. Self, these credit hours may apply. Contact us at onevoiceint@gmail.com for more information.