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The fabric of One Voice is to worship the one true God, one Savior, and one Creator of it all. We teach and activate “worship like David did” which is to exalt God from the heart. These Bible-based teachings reveal that each time a king implemented Davidic Worship that God favored Israel in all aspects of life. We know firsthand that Davidic Worship brings the favor of God because we see lives changed, miracles happen, and the broken hearts mended. In every event God shows us that He is delighted in our pure worship by His presence moving in; and by allowing us to experience Him in a way we have never known. Often, we hear testimonies that God has spoken directly to them (some have never heard the voice of God before). After the event, there is always a residual presence of God continuing to manifest in that house. Yet God doesn’t just stay there, His tangible presence follows us and brings changes to every aspect of our lives, and we can feel the favor of God upon us. This fabric of Davidic Worship is a garment of praise that moves freely with the Holy Spirit. It takes us out of our comfort zone into worshiping God from our hearts.
We are so confident that God’s people need to experience these things, that we teach on knowing and worshiping the person of God and His attributes. These teachings enhance worship and centers us upon the foundation of Christianity. Without this compass, we lose sight of who God is, and who we are in Him. The worshiping heart that focuses directly on God, will encounter His deep love and God will reveal Himself to them. God has always desired this kind of worship, so He gave us snapshots about Himself in the Bible to show us how to start. We extract those snapshots and teach them so God’s people can learn of Him, desire Him, and passionately worship Him. When we delight in who God is, He will do the impossible for us.

This is why we would love to share our knowledge of Davidic Worship with you as a head start. Invite us to hold an event in your home, your church, or with a group of churches. Or invite us to teach and/or activate at your ministry conferences and leadership meetings. God is seeking for you and your church to worship Him in Spirit and in truth so He can show you something you’ve never seen before. So let us be a blessing to you. We do not charge a fee and no certificates are awarded, but love offerings are welcomed. For more information, please contact us here.