A bold and revelatory Kingdom Training Institute

Mission Statement: To teach and train ministers for the Kingdom of God for the purposes of sending them forth as ambassadors, fully equipped, to lead the world to Jesus Christ.

Goal: Our goal is to provide revelatory teachings and training for ministers of any age, the laity, or anyone desiring to know more about who God is and His plans to redeem us.

Ministerial Training Programs are specifically created to meet the needs of a church or other groups requesting our services. When Dr. Nina teaches in group sessions, course fees are charged and a certificate worth 3 credit hours is awarded with each course. If a student desires to enroll at the International College of Ministry founded by Dr. Ray L. Self, these credit hours may be counted towards a degree. Please contact us at to book your training sessions.

Some courses are available in book format exclusively through my author’s website at You are welcome to purchase the courses available to teach in-house if you prefer.